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美商婕斯賦活精華露使用30天后的效果,更多的見證請瀏覽我的網站 或者瀏覽我的粉絲頁



Shirleymommygo 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

如果我沒有使用過這兩種產品Instanly Ageless 和 Luminesce,我是不會相信這是真的。這兩個產品我都親自體驗過,它們的效果的確如此。如果我沒有到了40歲,我不會在意這些廣告或聽朋友的介紹。 如果沒有30天的無條件退款保證,我也不會決定試一試。如果我沒有試一試,也不會知道效果如此快速明顯且有效,今天我就不會成為分銷商了。聯絡電話: 1 866 920 2811 (免費)郵箱:

更多的見證請瀏覽我的網站 或者瀏覽我的粉絲頁 





Shirleymommygo 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

今天介紹另一個實時使用即時去皺(即時不老)的实况录影,兩分鐘內立竿見影,效果持續7-9 小時










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由美國婕斯公司出品的這一神器名為 Instantly Ageless,只需要很少的用量,在兩分鐘內就可以起到去皺的效果,而且只作用於表皮,可以清水清洗,絕對不會滲入到表皮下的皮膚。我在聖誕期間一個經閏蜜朋友介紹,出於好奇,我也申請成為會員購買了三盒產品,還沒有收到產品就已經有人預購。以至我不得不再續定,收到產品後,我迫不及待地用于先生的眼袋及尾纹处。效果令我们惊讶,他显得年轻多了!



更多的見證請瀏覽我的網站 或者瀏覽我的粉絲頁





2分鐘去皺70yrs old mom-eyes 201501242015011520150126  























Bekki 演示如何使用 Instantly Ageless




您可以打我的免費電話 1 866 920 2811 或者給我寫郵件吧



Shirleymommygo 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


附上我現在使用的一整套產品的圖片,左边最小的一支就是LUMINESCE™賦活青春精華露迷你試用裝4毫升需要試用的朋友請在面子書粉絲頁留言 或者註冊成為會員 享受批發價格






  L-serum mini tube.jpg  









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Research tells us the human body has been designed to last at least one hundred years. Even at this age we still should be able to function independently and efficiently even as we approach the triple digits. But take a look at the people around in our modern society today. To see or meet a one-hundred year old person who is strong, fit and energetic is a very rare or even mythical prospect.


We have been misled into believing that it is purely a stroke of luck or our genetics that determines how long we may live and if we stay healthy or not as we age. Sort of like good genes and good health lucky you - a healthy long life. Or the flip side bad genes and poor health equals chronic diseases and a shortened life.


We even continually get asked what diseases run in our family as if we are destined to get them also. It would make you think that you do not have much control over this and if Aunty Annie had diabetes, cancer or a bad heart you are in the firing line for that as well.


The truth of the matter is that genetics only plays a small role (around 10 percent), Lady Luck plays an even smaller role. But guess what? It is actually you that is responsible for whether you live a healthy long life or are plagued with weakness and chronic disease that lowers the quality of the life you lead as well as the quantity.


So what you say, "I don't want to live a long life if I have end up weak, frail and disabled in a nursing home somewhere". But, it does not have to be this way. Your choices over the years and decades determine how that last third of your life is going to be. Thirty or forty years without proper exercise to maintain strength along with low quality processed foods are going to add up to a miserable time in the last years.


The downward spiral of aging that we see all around us, in our family and in the community is not an inevitable or unavoidable part of getting older. When you neglect vital areas of health such as proper muscle building and maintaining activity and healthy nutrition you will age at an accelerated and premature rate.


The body weakens slowly over a long period of time but when it gets there nothing is going to restore its health and vitality. The life-force has been siphoned away. It starts with less and less desire to be active, strength and energy slip away, muscles and bones weaken, joints stiffen and hurt. It becomes painful to move so we don't.


We start to make excuses as to why we sit around most of the day living a sedentary lifestyle which accelerates the aging process. We have given in to the downward spiral and most of us are not even aware of it.


But the loss of function you see in old people did not happen overnight - it has been happening since they left their 20's and 30's - all those forgotten years ago and the deterioration has continued unabated till finally the body is broken down and useless.


You, and only you, have the capacity to change or choose how you age. It is really very simple and you only have two choices. You can give in to the downward spiral and allow it to take you to the end of your road before the end of your time.


Or, you can take control, start a proper strength training exercise program and commit to an active lifestyle regardless of your age so you can continue to maintain and look after your body strength, vitality, vigor and overall health. You choose.




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Anything is possible if you just do it instead of only have dreams!

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Shirleymommygo 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

WARNING - Benzene Danger

To further compound the problem liquid health drinks are pasteurized which destroys many of the excellent natural properties of the mangosteen, but also have sodium benzoate added to prevent the liquid deteriorating and becoming rancid before the bottle of  product is consumed after it is opened. Scientific research clearly shows the addition of sodium benzoate to any liquid which also contains ascorbic acid, also know as vitamin C, causes a chemical reaction to take place resulting in the production of dangerous levels of benzene within the product.

Benzene is a powerful carcinogen! There is NO safe level of benzene in food or drinks!

Cancer, heart disease, diabetes are all known to be "aging" diseases. Supplying yourself with quality "anti-aging" antioxidants along with a healthy diet, is your first and best line of prevention against metabolic diseases such as cancer and heart disease as well as preventing the onset of premature aging and wrinkled skin.

Everything is bad if you took too much! Scientist said this is not bad today, research issue that is not good tomorrow…bla…bla…bla… If you don’t have a health idea in your own, whom and what should you follow up? It will make your life very tired to listen to this report or that research.

So, common health knowledge and your own body situation are very important and basic thing you have to know.


All you have to do to save $2 per day to get health+your own business.


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Anything is possible if you just do it instead of only have dreams!

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me on




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) Anti-fatigue

2.) Anti-obesity

3.) Anti-depression

4.) Anti-anxiety

5.) Anti-Alzheimer’s

6.) Anti-arthritis

7.) Anti--periodontic (gum disease)

8.) Anti-allergenic

9.) Anti-seborrheic (skin disease)

10.) Anti-pyretic (anti-fever)

11.) Anti-Parkinsonism

12.) Anti-diarrhea

13.) Anti-neuralgia (nerve pain)

14.) Anti-vertigo (dizziness)

15.) Anti-glaucoma

16.) Anti-pain (for example, dental pain)

17.) Anti-inflammatory (cox-2 inhibitor; like Vioxx & Celebrex but without side effects)

18.) Anti-ulcer (for example, ulcers of stomach, mouth, small bowel, large bowel)


1.) Anti-oxidant (can be measured)

2.) Anti-cancer (can be measured)

3.) Anti-aging (can be measured)

4.) Anti-hypertension (can be measured)

5.) Anti-hypoglycemia (can be measured)

6.) Anti-immune-system-depression (can be measured)

7.) Anti-blood fat (can be measured)

8.) Anti-atherosclerosis (blood vessel, heart disease) (can be measured)

9.) Anti-osteoporosis (can be measured)

10.) Anti-viral (can be measured)

11.) Anti-bacterial (can be measured)

12.) Anti-fungal (can be measured)

13.) Anti-kidney stones (can be measured)

14.) Anti-cataracts (can be measured)

Mangosteen Facts: 

Mangosteen is a small and very slow-growing tropical evergreen tree. The height of the tree attains 20 to 82 feet. The length of its leaves is up to 10 inches. The width of its flowers is 1 ½ to 2 inches. And maybe male or hermaphrodite is on the same tree.

Mangosteen is native to South East Asia and requires a year round, warm, very humid, equatorial climate. In spite that many people have tried to plant Mangosteen in other places, such as California, Florida, or special greenhouses somewhere outside South East Asia, the outcome is seldom successful due to the different living conditions. The tree only can grow well in tropical areas and requires abundant regular rainfall and moisture in the soil. Thailand or Burma is the original place people found Mangosteen.

Pericarp (rind or peel): the half-centimeter pericarp is green unripe and dark purple when ripe. It contains the highest concentrations of xanthones in the entire fruit.

Pulp (fruit) – the fleshy interior that is responsible for its reputation as the best tasting fruit in the world.

Seeds – usually one to two in number within the pulp. The Mangosteen fruit has been used for centuries as a folk-lore medicine.

Mangosteen Health Benefits

Mangosteen is a fruit found in tropical countries throughout Asia, for example Thailand, India, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines. It also grows quite well in areas such as Hawaii and tropical Northern Australia.

The fruit consist of 3 major parts.

he Mangosteen Pericarp - which is the rind or peel and contains the highest level of xanthones.

The pulp -  which is the fruit and is known for being one of the tastiest fruits in the world.The seeds -  Found within the white pulp.


Mangosteen fruit contains compounds that have antioxidant - anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Scientific research indicates activity against several cancer cell lines, including breast cancer, liver cancer and leukemia. In addition, Mangosteen also exhibits  anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory properties. Traditionally, mangosteen has been used for many years as a medicinal treatment for diarrhoea, skin infection and wounds in throughout South Asia.

The latest in scientific research shows mangosteen contains a class of naturally occurring polyphenolic compounds known as xanthones. Xanthones may provide beneficial effects on cardiovascular diseases, including ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and thrombosis. Mangosteen also shows vasorelaxant properties.

Mangosteen has demonstrated an inhibitory action against the bacterial organisms Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Staphylococcus aureus. Mangosteen is also proving to be highly effective in supporting and strengthening a weak immune system. There are several important compounds found in the Mangosteen that would appear to make this fruit an active and important nutritional supplement for the human body.

Mangosteen Xanthones are broken down even further into mangostin, mangostenol, mangostenone A, Mangostenone B, trapezifolixanthone, tovophyllin B, alpha- and beta-mangostins, garcinone B, mangostinone, mangostanol and the flavonoid epicatechin. A study of the antiproliferation, antioxidation and induction of apoptosis by Garcinia mangostana on SKBR3 human breast cancer cell line, showed SKBR3 cells were cultured in the presence of mangosteen extract at various concentrations. Mangosteen showed a dose dependent inhibition of cell proliferation.

Mangosteen also was found to inhibit ROS production. These investigations suggest that mangosteen has strong anti-proliferation, potent anti-oxidation and induction of apoptosis properties. Mangosteen has potential for cancer chemoprevention, which is dose dependent as well as exposure time dependent. The ethanol extract of Mangosteen showed potent inhibitory activity against HIV-1 protease. The activity-guided purification of the extract resulted in the isolation of two active known compounds. The chemical structures of the isolated compounds were established by spectroscopic analysis as mangostin and gamma-mangostin.

Potential Benefits of Mangosteen



Free radical fighter

Cardio support

Immune system Enhancer

Powerful antioxidant

Skin rashes, infections and wounds







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The accumulated knowledge of centuries of ancient Asian medicine has been passed down from generation to generation and also passed on to early European explorers and settlers. Consequently it is no wonder that so much recent modern scientific research has been conducted on the Mangosteen and the beneficial properties of the pericarp (rind).


An enormous amount of modern study and research has been channelled toward unlocking the secrets of this remarkable fruit. Scientists have actually identified the major compounds found in the Mangosteen that are responsible for its healthful characteristics.


These days, just about everybody knows about free radicals and the damage they wreak on the body and most would know, to counteract the effects of free radicals, we need a diet high in antioxidants. Free radicals attack the cells in our bodies every second of every day, whilst antioxidants work actively with the immune system to repair the damage before cellular degeneration occurs. If the balance between free radical attack and the body's ability to overcome free radical activity is weighted on the side of the free radicals... well you are destined for early onset of metabolic disease and a premature death!


Much has been made of the extensive antioxidant properties of vitamins, especially Vitamin C and Vitamin E. But did you know that there exists an antioxidant that is much more powerful than any vitamin?


This powerful, life-enhancing substance is called Xanthone:

In fact, there's a whole family of Xanthones, and the most dynamic of these are found in the amazing whole fruit Mangosteen which includes the pericarp. While most people know about the antioxidant benefits of Vitamins C and E, far fewer are aware of the incredibly potent antioxidant power of Xanthones and many other phyto-chemicals. Xanthones are natural plant chemical substances that have recently won high praise from numerous scientists and researchers. Xanthones have been studied for their medicinal potential, since they demonstrate a number of pharmaceutical properties and are proving to be essential for good health.


The Research on Xanthones:

anthones have been the subject of intense research for several decades. They're found in a select number of rain forest plants and dark red fruits, but nowhere are they found in more abundance that in the pericarp or rind, of the Mangosteen fruit. This smooth, purple/dark red covering that was traditionally ground with ancient mortars and used to heal infection turns out to be the mother lode of beneficial Xanthones and potent antioxidants.

The two most beneficial Xanthones found in the Mangosteen have been named Alpha Mangostin and Gamma Mangostin. When isolated and thoroughly tested by researchers, these two Xanthones have been found to carry a host of benefits. According to professional journals such as Free Radical Research, Journal of Pharmacology, and the Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, these Xanthones have a remarkable effect on cardiovascular health; are naturally antibiotic, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory; and are amongst the most powerful antioxidants found in nature.


Research laboratories around the world have now been helping us understand how the Mangosteen fruit imparts such wonderful benefits. Modern science is just catching up with what herbal doctors have already known for centuries.




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Anything is possible if you just do it instead of only have dreams!

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