
目前分類:Anything is possible (3)

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If you are not financially independent by the time you are forty or fifty, it doesn't mean that you were living in the wrong country or at the wrong time. It simply means that you have the wrong plan. 

- Jim Rohn

Do you have a dream? Do you ever want to make your dream to be true one day? 8 steps let your dream to be true~

Step 1: Dream Big Dreams

Learn to dream big. Your dreams are the basis to your success. Most of us as children were natural dreamers. One day we wanted to be a doctor; the next day we wanted to be an astronaut and so on. Anything was possible and there were no limitations. Reality was never in our vocabulary.

Sadly, most people lose their desire and ability to dream and settle for mediocrity. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be this way. Take 5-10 minutes for a Big Dream Exercise,your dream is your first motivation power.

Step 2: Attitude is Everything

You may have heard the phrase that "attitude is everything" or "your attitude determines your altitude." Well, these statements are true. In order to succeed, you must recognize that your personal attitude is a choice—your choice. Choose to be positive and expect good things to happen.

Successful people spend the majority of their time surrounded by those who have already achieved what they seek to accomplish. Be an inspiration and set a good example, your team will look up to you! By cultivating a positive attitude, you will attract successful people. As you continue to catch the attention of bright, talented people, you will put your business on the fast track.

Step 3: Create a Contact List

Creating a Contact List is one of the most important exercises in achieving success with your business. Keep in mind the tremendous impact in helping people with their physical and financial health. Continue to add to this list as you conduct Home Events and meet new people. Did you know that the majority of people on your team will be comprised of people you haven't met yet? It's true!

Step #4: Are You a Product of the Product?

When you're a product of the product, you know it. How? Because it is second nature to use the product, and share it with others. The process is not magic—it happens by experiencing Vemma products on a personal level. This is how your Vemma story is created and it's the focus of Step 4 in the Vemma Action Plan.

The strength in marketing your Vemma business is found in your story and the stories of others. Story telling is an integral part of building relationships. This is how we get to know one another.

So talk about the difference Vemma has made in your life. You don't have to be a product expert. All you have to do is tell your story, and watch what happens.

In an instant, you find yourself listening to their story. You've engaged their curiosity as they wonder, "What can Vemma do for me?"

Continue to build relationships by sharing the product. People are more comfortable trying something new when it feels familiar. As you gain that sense of familiarity, confidence follows. Your business moves forward, bringing you one step closer to reaching your dreams. You really own your business as it is guided by firsthand experience of the product.

Step #5: Leading with the Opportunity

Results achieved in your Vemma business are directly correlated to the marketing path taken. When you promote the opportunity Vemma has to offer, a fluid presentation is ideal. We provide the tools, but how the message of the opportunity is delivered rests upon you. 

Remember what captured your interest in Vemma? It was your why—the personal reason that made you a believer in the business. Just tell your why and speak from the heart. There is nothing for you to "sell". Simply speak your truth. When your passion is genuine, people can tell. Building your business happens by building relationships and the best foundation to build upon is trust.

Step 6: Set and Reach Your Goals

You may have noticed that there are two kinds of people—those who wait for something to happen and those who make something happen. While the importance of knowing and consistently visualizing your why is undeniable, the goals you set for yourself and the actions you take are what will convert your why into "when."

Understanding the difference between people-oriented activity and task-oriented activity is essential to a Brand Partner’s productivity. Embracing positive marketing routines leads to an increase in cash flow, team momentum and depth—propelling you steps closer to the realization of your dream.

Recharge your business by redefining your goals.

Step 7: Everyone needs a mentor

To start any business and set it in the right direction requires a plan. But even with the most effective plans, wherein every detail specifies an example and its anticipated result, you may reach a point where you are uncertain how to proceed. It could be a new opportunity, a brilliant idea, or a question requiring an answer. What do you do now?

Newsflash! No man is an island. Everyone needs a mentor.

Mentors are there to serve as a shoulder of support or an ear to pitch ideas. The power of duplication takes place when you learn from someone, and then teach others what you’ve learned. Stay connected to the leader who thought highly of your natural talents and suggested you be part of their Vemma business. Listen in on prospecting conversations among your upline. Tap into CEO and Founder, BK Boreyko’s conference calls and learn by example. The benefits you receive through consistent communication with your upline, you also pass to your downline. As you evolve into the next Vemma leader, your business grows with you. So find yourself a mentor today!

Step 8: Taking your business to the next level

Imagine for a moment that the steps of the Action Plan are like bases on a baseball field, loaded with your Vemma prospects. You need the next batter to hit a single and bring one prospect to home base. A double, triple, or home run would be even better, bringing more prospects to your business!

But before the swing, it's all about the pitch—how you ask for the business. Do you deliver your pitch with a curve, speed or a soft touch? With the right pitch, inviting your prospects or Customers to your Home Event or Private Business Reception will put you ahead of the game.


What are you waiting for?! Wanna to change your life? Come to join us to make your dreams come true!


How to get started? Take a shot and tell 2 ...

You no have risk~30-day "Empty Bottle" Money-Back Guarantee 

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Anything is possible if you just do it instead of only have dreams!

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me on




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Jerry Clark -

There are only two things in life that are "have to's"


1) die

2) occupy space before death


Everything else is a choice. Every choice bears consequences, good or bad.  Learn to make good decisions and implement them with passion and discipline


Jim Rohn -


  • Time is more value than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.
  • We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.
  • Your philosophy determines whether you will go for the disciplines or continue the errors. 
  • You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.
  • Whatever good things we build end up building us. 
  • When you know what you want, and want it bad enough, you will find a way to get it.
  • Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value. 
  • Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.
  • Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins. 
  • The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become.
  • Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become. 
  • The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch.
  • The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy. 
  • "To have more than you've got, become more than you are."

  • "For every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward." 
  • "Whatever good things we build end up building us."
  • If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn't need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around. 
  • It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go.
  • Don't join an easy crowd. You won't grow. Go where the expectations and the demands to perform are high. 
  • There are two parts to influence. First, influence is powerful. And second, it is subtle. You wouldn't let someone push you off course, but you might let someone nudge you off course and not even realize it.  
  • You must constantly ask yourself these questions: 
  • Who am I around? 
  • What are they doing to me? 
  • What have they got me reading? 
  • What have they got me saying? 
  • Where do they have me going? 
  • What do they have me thinking?

And most important,

  • What do they have me becoming? 

Then ask yourself the big question: Is that okay?



What are you waiting for?! Wanna to change your life? Come to join us to make your dreams come true!


How to get started? Take a shot to tell 2 people.


30-day "Empty Bottle" Money-Back Guarantee 

Simply and easily to get your 90 days free tour... 





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Anything is possible if you just do it instead of only have dreams!

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me on




在家工作 | 網路創業 | vemma | work from home part-time | MLM | opportunity | home-based | business | data| cars| rich dad poor dad | youtube | job | drink | paid | 21 ceture | career |nutrition | economy | cancer | health | wealth | retirement | success|secret | cutting-edge | invest | freedom | family |lifestyle |mangosteen | vitamin | mineral | essential | aloe | vera| green | tea | organic | blend | tasted | juice | vegetable | fruit | li1uid | ultra | premium | lifetime | antioxidant | formula |foundation | deserve | important | debt-free | vacation | saving | flexibility | travel | network | marketing | income | second | earning | asset | generate | lead | internet | | 維瑪 | 聯盟營銷 | 網路營銷 | 聯盟行銷 | 網路行銷 | 傳銷 | 直銷 | 聯盟行銷 | 策略行銷 | 行銷 | program | 計劃 | 退休方式 | 引薦計畫 | 加盟展 | 創業平台 | soho創業 | 事業計畫 | 加盟創業 | 創業商機 | 兼職創業 | 賺錢平台 | 在家創業 | 網路平台 | SOHO族 | 宅經濟 | 在家創業 | 部落格賺錢 | soho | 財務自由 | 財務計劃 | 自在生活 | 百萬年薪 | 富裕生活 | 快速致富 | 秘密 | 成功 | 網創 | 網路工作 | 網絡商機 | 網路創業 | 網絡生意 | 網路事業 | 網絡賺錢 | 網賺 | 網路開店 | 網絡創業 | 網絡商機 | 網路空間 | 網絡營銷 | 低成本行銷 | 低成本創業 | 小本創業 | 小額加盟 | 打工 | 兼職收入 | 兼職機會 | 兼職加薪 | 替自己加薪 | 打工賺錢 | 兼職 | 兼職創業 | 商業資訊 | VB | 賺錢方法 | 旅行 | 職場第二春 | 事業經營 | 免費試用 | 電子商務 | 人生規劃 | 生意 | 老板 | 自由 | 宅經濟 | 系統跟進 | 健康 | 財富 | 自由 | 退休計畫 | 痞克邦 | 月光族 | 職場甘苦談 | 額外收入 | 投資 | 全球事業 | 科士威 | 保健 | 癌症 | GDI | 雲端事業 | 賺錢 | 投資理財 | 退休計畫 | 業務 | Top Sales | 賺錢系統 | 減重 | 減肥 | 致富方法 | ivip | 投資理財 | 股市 | 房地產 | 羅伯特.T.清崎 | 創業 | 吸引力法則 | 保健食品 | 旅遊 | 自由行 | 綠加利 | 基金 | 專業技術 | 期貨 | 黃金 | 賀寶芙 | 雙鶴 | 康寶萊 | 丞燕 | 加盟體系 | 找工作 | 104人力銀行 | 1111人力銀行 | 518人力銀行 | 永久 | 雅芳 | 克麗緹娜 | 營養補給 | 財富革命 | 地圖日記 | 樂多 | 在家工作系統 | 在家創業系統 | 在家兼職工作 | 加盟 | 網路加盟 | 加盟事業 | 網路直銷 | 美樂加 | 創業投資 | 傳直銷 | 體重控制 | 減肥 | 減重 | 連鎖加盟 | 女性創業 | 家庭代工 | 創業網 | 免費試用 | 網路商店 | 如何創業 | 青年創業 | 微型創業 | 網路商店系統 | 大陸創業 | 代理加盟 | 代理商 | 尋找加盟商 | 如何開店 | 如何網路開店 | 加盟展 | 創業展 | 小額加盟

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It's more than three years ago to see Nick's reports and videos. At that time I faced a second marriage defeat. Fortunately, at that time I had been inspired by Nick, helped me to cross the extreme difficulties when I could not work and meanwhile had to raise my daughters.

December 2009, recommended by Ah Wei, I discovered Vemmabuilder. I thought I would have a try Vemma Opportunity, due to I was encouraged by Nick.

I watched another one of Nick's speeches today and it affected me more deeply. We only do some simple works then Vemmabuilder and the team  just help us to create a great success. Compared with the process of Nick's struggle, I found no excuses but to try.

If you had a chance to see a Nick's spirit, and you are convinced, vemmabuilder is avaible here.

All you have to do to save $2 per day to get health+your own business.

What are you waiting for?! Wanna to change your life? Come to join us to make your dreams come true!


30-day "Empty Bottle" Money-Back Guarantee 

Simply and easily to get your 90-day free tour... 





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Anything is possible if you just do it instead of only have dreams!

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me




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