

The accumulated knowledge of centuries of ancient Asian medicine has been passed down from generation to generation and also passed on to early European explorers and settlers. Consequently it is no wonder that so much recent modern scientific research has been conducted on the Mangosteen and the beneficial properties of the pericarp (rind).


An enormous amount of modern study and research has been channelled toward unlocking the secrets of this remarkable fruit. Scientists have actually identified the major compounds found in the Mangosteen that are responsible for its healthful characteristics.


These days, just about everybody knows about free radicals and the damage they wreak on the body and most would know, to counteract the effects of free radicals, we need a diet high in antioxidants. Free radicals attack the cells in our bodies every second of every day, whilst antioxidants work actively with the immune system to repair the damage before cellular degeneration occurs. If the balance between free radical attack and the body's ability to overcome free radical activity is weighted on the side of the free radicals... well you are destined for early onset of metabolic disease and a premature death!


Much has been made of the extensive antioxidant properties of vitamins, especially Vitamin C and Vitamin E. But did you know that there exists an antioxidant that is much more powerful than any vitamin?


This powerful, life-enhancing substance is called Xanthone:

In fact, there's a whole family of Xanthones, and the most dynamic of these are found in the amazing whole fruit Mangosteen which includes the pericarp. While most people know about the antioxidant benefits of Vitamins C and E, far fewer are aware of the incredibly potent antioxidant power of Xanthones and many other phyto-chemicals. Xanthones are natural plant chemical substances that have recently won high praise from numerous scientists and researchers. Xanthones have been studied for their medicinal potential, since they demonstrate a number of pharmaceutical properties and are proving to be essential for good health.


The Research on Xanthones:

anthones have been the subject of intense research for several decades. They're found in a select number of rain forest plants and dark red fruits, but nowhere are they found in more abundance that in the pericarp or rind, of the Mangosteen fruit. This smooth, purple/dark red covering that was traditionally ground with ancient mortars and used to heal infection turns out to be the mother lode of beneficial Xanthones and potent antioxidants.

The two most beneficial Xanthones found in the Mangosteen have been named Alpha Mangostin and Gamma Mangostin. When isolated and thoroughly tested by researchers, these two Xanthones have been found to carry a host of benefits. According to professional journals such as Free Radical Research, Journal of Pharmacology, and the Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, these Xanthones have a remarkable effect on cardiovascular health; are naturally antibiotic, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory; and are amongst the most powerful antioxidants found in nature.


Research laboratories around the world have now been helping us understand how the Mangosteen fruit imparts such wonderful benefits. Modern science is just catching up with what herbal doctors have already known for centuries.




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