


Research tells us the human body has been designed to last at least one hundred years. Even at this age we still should be able to function independently and efficiently even as we approach the triple digits. But take a look at the people around in our modern society today. To see or meet a one-hundred year old person who is strong, fit and energetic is a very rare or even mythical prospect.


We have been misled into believing that it is purely a stroke of luck or our genetics that determines how long we may live and if we stay healthy or not as we age. Sort of like good genes and good health lucky you - a healthy long life. Or the flip side bad genes and poor health equals chronic diseases and a shortened life.


We even continually get asked what diseases run in our family as if we are destined to get them also. It would make you think that you do not have much control over this and if Aunty Annie had diabetes, cancer or a bad heart you are in the firing line for that as well.


The truth of the matter is that genetics only plays a small role (around 10 percent), Lady Luck plays an even smaller role. But guess what? It is actually you that is responsible for whether you live a healthy long life or are plagued with weakness and chronic disease that lowers the quality of the life you lead as well as the quantity.


So what you say, "I don't want to live a long life if I have end up weak, frail and disabled in a nursing home somewhere". But, it does not have to be this way. Your choices over the years and decades determine how that last third of your life is going to be. Thirty or forty years without proper exercise to maintain strength along with low quality processed foods are going to add up to a miserable time in the last years.


The downward spiral of aging that we see all around us, in our family and in the community is not an inevitable or unavoidable part of getting older. When you neglect vital areas of health such as proper muscle building and maintaining activity and healthy nutrition you will age at an accelerated and premature rate.


The body weakens slowly over a long period of time but when it gets there nothing is going to restore its health and vitality. The life-force has been siphoned away. It starts with less and less desire to be active, strength and energy slip away, muscles and bones weaken, joints stiffen and hurt. It becomes painful to move so we don't.


We start to make excuses as to why we sit around most of the day living a sedentary lifestyle which accelerates the aging process. We have given in to the downward spiral and most of us are not even aware of it.


But the loss of function you see in old people did not happen overnight - it has been happening since they left their 20's and 30's - all those forgotten years ago and the deterioration has continued unabated till finally the body is broken down and useless.


You, and only you, have the capacity to change or choose how you age. It is really very simple and you only have two choices. You can give in to the downward spiral and allow it to take you to the end of your road before the end of your time.


Or, you can take control, start a proper strength training exercise program and commit to an active lifestyle regardless of your age so you can continue to maintain and look after your body strength, vitality, vigor and overall health. You choose.




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