


Ken & Debbie: “Hello, we are Ken and Debbie from a small town in north Alabama called Grant. Both of us have been on the minerals and mangosteen for about nine weeks now and have had unbelievable results for the health problems that we eachhave.” …Ken, also, has multiple health problems. Ken has rheumatoid arthritis, ankyalosing spondalitus, osteo arthritis, and osteoporosis. These diseases put Ken in a wheelchair 4 years ago. Ken has had 37 surgeries because of these diseases. The ankyalosing spondalitus totally fused his neck when he was 38 years old, forced him out of the work force, and put him on total disability. Ken’s daily regimen included 11 different medications. One of those 11 medications included 180 oxycodone pain pills a month to help him to be able to walk around and deal with the horrible pain that he experienced on a daily basis. He was also on a dangerous cancer medication that is being used to help treat rheumatoid arthritis called methotrexate. The methotrexate was a required medication for him to be able to take another arthritis treatment called Remicade. This is an IV that Ken would receive every 6 week! s to help control the pain and stiffness from his arthritic diseases. Ken was also on a blood thinner called Coumadin which is nothing more than rat poison. He had to go every six weeks and have blood drawn because of the high risk of all of these drugs killing his liver and other body organs. Ken started the mineral and mangosteen program about nine weeks ago and after about two weeks on the program he became totally pain free and drug free!”

Ken & Debbie - Alabama

ita: Earlier this year I was suffering from extreme pain. When I could no longer take it, I went to my doctor, who ran several tests and took x-rays. I was diagnosed with arthritis. It manifested in my upper and lower back and my right hip. There were days that I could not even stand up when I got out of bed because my hip would lock up and I could not stand up straight. The doctor put me on 1800 mg of Neurotin and 200 mg of Celebrex a day but the pain persisted. A friend of mine from childhood had suggested that I try the mangosteen and minerals product. I was reluctant and kept putting him off. Finally after about 4 months, the pain was so bad, even though I was taking the medicine, I decided to try the mangosteen and minerals. I also have a very active lifestyle and was always tired and felt run down. After taking the mangosteen and minerals energy drink for one week, I stopped taking the Neurotin and Celebrex and the pain has been gone for almost 9 weeks and my energy level has increased! I am confident that the mangosteen and mineral energy drink was the cause. Now I recommend it to everyone I know!”


Paulette: “I just wanted to report that I think the mangosteen and minerals are really helping my arthritic knees. I've been taking about 6 oz per day (sometimes I miss a dose or 2) for around a month. Saturday we had to go to a wedding and my vanity set in. I really wanted to wear heals which normally I cannot at all without horrible pain and limping. I put them on and felt great the entire wedding and most of the reception dancing. I only took off the heals cause my feet hurt ... my knees were fine!

I haven't changed anything in my routine except adding the mangosteen and minerals. I had cortisone shots in both knees in July and my doc and I discussed knee replacement when I couldn't stand the pain any more. Hopefully this will continue and that surgery can be held off for many years.”

Paulette - St. Charles, IL


The statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent disease. 

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