


Vemma Ingredient List Found Here


I have found it very interesting how many people are searching for Vemma® vs Mona Vie®.  This is outstanding because I guess it means people want to know which product is a better value.  Maybe you are taking Mona Vie® and you really want to see how it stacks up to Vemma®.  Maybe Vemma® is your product and you want more research data to back your claim.  Aa a note the trademarks ® still apply to the rest of this article.

Regardless of the reason I welcome you here to view the test results and you make the decision yourself.  I applaud you for doing your research.  Anyway .... Let's move on to the real data.

Recently, Men's Journal® magazine did their own independent testing in an article called "Superjuices on Trial".  Vemma earned their "Best Overall" rating of all juices tested with "Sky-high vitamin C levels and solid in antioxidants".

Mona Vie, came in under the category "Not so Super" stating that "Mona Vie tested extremely low in anthocyanins and phenolics. Even apple juice (which also tested poorly) has more phenolics Plus Mona Vie's vitamin C level was five times lower than that of Welch's® Grape Juice. That's not many nutrients."

Firstly, I encourage people to make the right choice for themselves. Anytime you're choosing something healthy, I applaud you. Independent testing was performed, on both Vemma and Mona Vie, analyzing popular phytonutrients as well as 12 vitamins and ORAC Value. The purpose of these independent tests is to simply stress the importance of choosing a complete superjuice when making that ever important decision that positively impacts your family's health.

How Vemma compares with Mona Vie?  Research teams chose mangosteen instead of acai. Acai is very good but the mangosteen and Vemma is complete.  The reason for their decision all goes back to that one word, complete. You see, Vemma is a physician-formulated, clinically studied formula that not only provides your body with the critical phytonutrients that play such a vital role in a person's overall health regimen, but also provides aggressive levels of vitamins, plant-sourced minerals and antioxidants that help support your immune system and create abundant energy.


Based on the modest results of Mona Vie's vitamin test results, phytonutrients are the core of their story. A very special phytonutrient is called proanthocyanidins. These are a specific class of phytonutrients with numerous health-giving properties. This class of flavonoids earned their primary reputation as being powerful antioxidants or free radical scavengers.  Proanthocyanidins also help in the stabilization of collagen and elastin.


These are two critical fibrous proteins found in the connective tissues that support organs, joints, blood vessels and muscle.  More importantly, all of these phytonutrient test results really set the mangosteen fruit in an elite category of superfruits. To learn more about the role phytonutrients as always do your research and Google them.

I believe when it comes down to your health, it is quality that counts. It is difficult to put an absolute value on your health.  If you care about yourself and others this will be a priority.  It's about what's on the inside of the bottle; how complete is that superjuice formula and what kind of results you get.  You make the decision.  Facts do speak for themselves.  Make the right choice for you and your family.  You have one body, take care of it and you will be able to take care of others.

MonaVie Vemma Comparison simple.png

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