
Best selling author of the RICH DAD series, Robert Kiyosaki has some unique advice for you in his latest book.With more than 27 million books sold,Robert asks:

"Are you angry at the corruption in the corporate world? At wall Street and the big banks? At the government for doing too much of the wrong things and not enough control of your finances sooner? Life is tough.The question is, what are you going to do about it?Moaning and groaning about the economy or blaming others won't secure your financial future. If you want wealth,you need to create it.

You need to take charge of your financial future by taking control of your income source - today!

An employee or entrepreneur,which would you rahter be in the 21st century? You need to own your own business.These may be economic hard times for the majority,but for the many entrepreneurs,these are times teeming with economic potential.Not only is now the time to have your own business,but there has never been a better time than right now."




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Anything is possible if you just do it instead of only have dreams!

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2009 ACE 10th Fastest-Growing Company in the State of Arizona




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Anything is possible if you just do it instead of just have dreams!

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First Annual Meeting in Taiwan on 14th Nov.2010, brand partner Shasha and Long ge have been acheived Platinum level.




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Anything is possible if you just do it instead of only have dreams!

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It's more than three years ago to see Nick's reports and videos. At that time I faced a second marriage defeat. Fortunately, at that time I had been inspired by Nick, helped me to cross the extreme difficulties when I could not work and meanwhile had to raise my daughters.

December 2009, recommended by Ah Wei, I discovered Vemmabuilder. I thought I would have a try Vemma Opportunity, due to I was encouraged by Nick.

I watched another one of Nick's speeches today and it affected me more deeply. We only do some simple works then Vemmabuilder and the team  just help us to create a great success. Compared with the process of Nick's struggle, I found no excuses but to try.

If you had a chance to see a Nick's spirit, and you are convinced, vemmabuilder is avaible here.

All you have to do to save $2 per day to get health+your own business.

What are you waiting for?! Wanna to change your life? Come to join us to make your dreams come true!


30-day "Empty Bottle" Money-Back Guarantee 

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Anything is possible if you just do it instead of only have dreams!

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me




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After a long day of calls, meetings, proposal writing, as well as several cups of coffee, I was ready for some rest. Unfortunately, after the coffee and all else still lingering in my head from the day, my body was exhausted, but I was still having trouble sleeping because my brain was flying 100mph! I drank the Vemma PM and within 10 minutes, I felt the serenity.** I crawled into my warm bed and within a few minutes I was sound asleep.** I woke up this morning actually feeling rested, with a rise and grind attitude!** This stuff's magical!

– Sarkis Kalashian
Brand Partner, Oakland, CA

Vemma PM is amazing! I've had trouble sleeping every so often. I took Vemma PM right before I went to bed, read for about 20 minutes and then turned out the light. I woke up one time during the night, but I was able to fall right back to sleep.** The next morning, I woke up feeling great!**"

– Carol Ann Felts
Brand Partner, Myrtle Beach, SC

I just tried the Vemma PM. Wow, amazing stuff! I travel a lot internationally and when you're jet lagged in another country and you sometimes have trouble sleeping, Vemma PM is like gold!** I tried my first Vemma PM a few nights ago, it tastes great and I was able to sleep like a baby, giving me eight hours of natural good sleep – perfect!** Thanks Vemma PM!

– Clif Braun
Brand Partner, Los Angeles, CA

I have four kids and I run two businesses, my Vemma business and a carpet and tile cleaning company. I have a very full schedule and have a fairly structured schedule to get everything done. I am supposed to be asleep by 10 p.m. so I can be up at 5:15 a.m. However, there are nights where I can't relax before bed. I just lay there until I give up and watch TV for two hours and end up falling asleep on the couch. This causes me to oversleep my alarm, wake up feeling rushed and I slam a Verve just to get going. The first night I took Vemma PM, I laid in bed for 15 minutes and at first, I didn't think it was working. Then I started to feel relaxed and my legs got a heavy feeling.** This is a similar feeling I get when I meditate. That was the last thing I remember until my alarm went off at 5 a.m.** I was able to jump right out of bed. Vemma PM helped to make the hours more productive; I love it.**

– Travis Miklethun
Brand Partner, Peoria, AZ

I have experienced difficulty sleeping on occasion for over two and a half years. The last three nights I have taken Vemma PM, I have been able to regain my normal sleep patterns.** It's unbelievable. WOW!

– Kim Rasmussen
Brand Partner, Glendale, AZ

I took Vemma PM last night. Oh my goodness, I was going to read a little the night before, but instead I picked up the book, put it back down, said my daily night prayers and literally crawled in the bed. My body was TOTALLY relaxed.** Last thing I remember is another Brand Partner texting, 'On your mark, get set, go'; I must have drifted off without responding that night and woke up at 5 a.m. I TRULY love the product!!

– Alisa Belton
Brand Partner, Charlotte, NC

I am so amazed by this product! Although I sleep eight hours per night, I was still finding that I was tired during the day. Vemma PM has changed that. Because I am having a truly restful sleep, I now find that I have so much more energy all day long!** I feel like a new person! Thank you for this wonderful sleep enhancing Vemma PM.

– Jody Holdsworth
Brand Partner, Castro Valley, CA

My husband has been taking Vemma PM every night for the past five nights and his doing so has changed our lives. The tired, somewhat pessimistic man I loved, but sometimes had a hard time living with, is gone.** In his place is a man who wakes up ready to meet the challenges of each new day, and yes, can you imagine, he greets me with a smile over our morning coffee!**

– Rebecca Duckworth
Brand Partner, San Diego, CA

My husband has been in high gear for the past few weeks with excitement and anticipation of the Vemma PM launch. He hits the mattress physically exhausted, but he just can't relax. Last night, after driving back from Phoenix, he tried Vemma PM for the first time. He went to bed at 9:30 PM and slept until 6:45 AM.** When I asked him how he slept, he just smiled and said, 'My mind finally shut down'.** Such a blessing he's back!

– Sally Wing
Brand Partner, Murrieta, CA

This is the best I've slept in years!**

– Dave Rasmussen
Brand Partner, Glendale, AZ

I took Vemma PM for the first time last night. My alarm clock normally wakes me up (at 6 a.m.), but I purposely did not put it on last night and this morning woke up at 6:03 a.m. refreshed and invigorated!** The only thing I did different is take my Vemma PM! Awesome!

– Ellis Hubbard
Brand Partner, Houston, TX

I believe that Vemma may have stumbled onto another great product. I sometimes have trouble sleeping throughout the night and, on those occasions, I am tired the following day. After taking Vemma PM for just three nights, all I can say is OMG! I may not have slept for seven hours, but the hours I did sleep, I slept like a baby and woke up feeling very refreshed.** I did not tire out and felt good all day.** I think Vemma has something here. So far, I am very impressed and glad I purchased it. I will be anxious to see what kind of "bill of health" I receive with taking both Vemma and Vemma PM. At my age, actually at any age, putting all natural ingredients included in the PM restorative blend in the body is a definite plus and a benefit to your health.

– Linda Fukui
Customer, Aurora, CO

Vemma PM is awesome. I took a bottle at 10 p.m. and at 10:06 I started to feel the yawns come on, and got into bed at 10:25.** I think by 10:30, I was lights out.** Even though I had to go to the bathroom during the night, when I got back to bed, I went right back to sleep.** I felt calm, tranquil and I could feel a major difference in my sleep.**

– Peter Kim
Brand Partner, Tenafly, NJ

It generally takes me about an hour to wind down and fall asleep each night. After taking Vemma PM, I had this calm, relaxed feeling within 15 minutes of taking it.** I do not remember seeing the clock 25 minutes after taking it, and completely slept through the night.** I woke in the morning feeling very rested and refreshed.** Wow!

– Grady Polcyn
Brand Partner, Tempe, AZ

After just three nights of using Vemma PM, I slept five to six hours straight with just 'normal pit stops'!** I haven't felt so good waking up in years!** Thanks again for these amazing products and opportunity.

– Doug Thompson
Brand Partner, Chandler, AZ

My dad of 84 years has trouble with occasional sleeplessness.* He sometimes sleeps about an hour at a time, getting up around 4 or 5 a.m. and staying up. He was able to fall asleep and slept completely through the night until he woke at 5 a.m. and feels great.** His comment to me? 'You do have some more of that Vemma PM you ordered for me, don't you?

– Melvin Proctor
Brand Partner, Aubrey, TX

Besides getting a restful sleep, I woke so refreshed!**

– Cindy Smith
Brand Partner, Oxford, NC

I've had challenges with occasional sleeplessness.** I have, however, tried herbal supplements with very marginal results. On these nights, I rarely get even five to six hours of total sleep and I usually wake up many times during the night. That all changed for me the night I tried just one bottle of Vemma PM.** I was sound asleep in less than 30 minutes and had the best eight hours of sleep that I can remember in a very long time.**

– Marty Wewerka
Brand Partner, Temecula, CA

I have a small dog that needs to go out in the middle of the night. After taking him outside, I sometimes have trouble falling back to sleep. With Vemma PM, I was able to fall right back to sleep, no problem!**

– Becki Polcyn
Brand Partner, Sedona, AZ

Before I started using Vemma PM, I would go to sleep rather quickly, but sometimes wake up finding myself hitting the snooze button for 20 to 30 minutes before waking up. I've been on this product for several days now, and I haven't used the snooze button yet.** I awake feeling great and can get right up and ready to go.** Thanks for such a needed product!

– Myron Gray
Brand Partner, Culver City, CA

I'm a homecare respiratory nurse and I work at nights. I've had trouble falling asleep on occasions. Thanks to Vemma PM, as soon as I get home and pop the top on one cold bottle, I'm asleep in 30 minutes and I wake up feeling refreshed.** Best of all, it's good for my health.** Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Matthew Johnson
Brand Partner, Houston, TX

I'm typically a night owl, which means that sometimes I wake up more tired than I was when I went to sleep. I decided to put my first sample of Vemma PM to the test. I took the product at midnight and began to watch a movie. By 12:30 a.m., I started feeling very relaxed so I decided to turn off the movie and give sleep a shot.** Not a few minutes later as I rolled over, I must have been out because I do not remember time passing at all and don't remember falling asleep.** The next morning I was up and out of bed feeling wonderful; I had no groggy feeling and didn't even get tired that evening until I was ready for bed.** I cannot believe it! I have had challenges with sleep here and there. NO MORE.**

– Nate Freeman
Brand Partner, Venice, FL

My personal experience with the first dose of Vemma PM was incredible. I was out within 22 minutes.** Ever since our son was diagnosed with a health challenge, I've been on the edge of my bed with sleep. I go to bed and crash hard, but sometimes wake up and toss and turn all night long. No matter how many hours I'm in bed I wake up exhausted. I woke up this morning without my alarm clock, refreshed and alert.** I forgot what it felt like to feel like this!**

– Ryka Milovanovski
Brand Partner, San Diego, CA
The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent disease.  

All you have to do to save $2 per day to get health+your own business.

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Anything is possible if you just do it instead of only have dreams!

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In fact, the VemmaBuilder™ System is all you need to start your very own business immediately. I strongly urge you to join me and our dynamic team of marketing gurus, so that you can begin to earn a steady stream of income right away.

When you join VemmaBuilder™, you will take the controls of a technical marvel. VemmaBuilder™’s state-of-the-art online business building system is endorsed by top Internet marketing experts and leading, home-based business entrepreneurs the world over. The VemmaBuilder™ System is based on the same thoroughbred automated System that has made itself the premiere business-building tool on the Internet. This is a System so innovative and unique that a Patent is pending on it. Now this amazing System has been put to work for VEMMA™ and YOUYou don’t have to build a website, ship product, or set up a merchant account. You can earn even before you learn. VemmaBuilder™ is that easy. No experience is necessary. Just point and click, and let our superb, innovative, patent-pending technology do the rest!

You don’t need to find a product to sell – we’ve made arrangements with New Vision International® to sell its fantastic VEMMA™ Nutrition Program. New Vision® is a successful 10-year old Health and Wellness company. New Vision’s VEMMA™ Nutrition Program, featuring the amazing health properties of Mangosteen, is fast becoming the Holy Grail of the Health and Wellness industry.

If you have been in network marketing before, you will appreciate this: No more cold calls (unless you really love them), evening and weekend meetings and presentations, and approaching total strangers. Meet the future of network marketing. Meet VemmaBuilder™!

Seen the paper lately? The economic headlines are scary. Unemployment is up. Household income is down. All over the globe, millions of people are searching for financial security, a dignified retirement, and the pleasures an enhanced part-time or full-time income can bring them. Traditional roads to wealth have collapsed. People are looking for a new way to prosper. People are looking for VemmaBuilder™.

All you have to do to make money, is invite people to explore this website, which already has your name on it!


All you have to do to save $2 per day to get health+your own business.


What are you waiting for?! Wanna to change your life? Come to join us to make your dreams come true!


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Anything is possible if you just do it instead of only have dreams!

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From BK CEO&Founder Blog

One of the things I enjoy hearing is stories about little underdog companies defying the odds and making it big time. A story I read in TIME a few weeks ago hit me unusually hard. You see, in my years in Corporate America, I sold advertising. One of my clients was the first franchisee of Blockbuster Video in Arizona. I guess I've always been a fan of brand building and Blockbuster did a pretty amazing job defining home entertainment when it came to movies. Hollywood even listened to them when it came to the release dates of videos and DVDs.

Well, this article included a story about a little start-up company that had a business model that believed people would rather go online, pick a movie and wait a couple days for it to be delivered to their home. Kind of like meets home movie entertainment. The brains over at Blockbuster must not have been paying attention since they didn't respond to this NetFlix business model until it was too late!

Long story short, this former $3 billion, 25,500-employee juggernaut Entertainment Company is now bankrupt. Their stock was recently delisted and trading at just $.06 a share. In contrast, NetFlix is three times the size of Blockbuster at its peak and their stock is trading at $160 a share!

What still amazes me is when people look at the MLM business model and see some kind of a cheesy way of doing business. Like if products aren't available in a brick and mortar store, they're not real products. Well, with Vemma that couldn't be further from the truth. Our business model delivers ultra-premium products touting the kind of quality ingredients you can't find in stores (I've looked) and is one of the few true ways the average person can tap into a phenomenon like the home delivery model. Best of all, they only need a little money and lots of desire. When you study this business model and the way Vemma executes it, it's really the ideal business. Scalable, duplicable and highly profitable. Its something everyone needs to look at especially those people that still think like Blockbuster. Start thinking like NetFlix and watch the opportunities begin to unfold for you.


All you have to do to save $2 per day to get health+your own business.


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Anything is possible if you just do it instead of only have dreams!

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Vemma PM™ has allowed many people just like you to experience a restful night's sleep for a refreshed morning.




Get Vemma PM help you for a refreshed morning.

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Anything is possible if you just do it instead of only have dreams!

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How to get paid?



All you have to do to save $2 per day to get health+your own business.


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Anything is possible if you just do it instead of only have dreams!

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VEMMA Global office contact information



Vemma Nutrition Company

8322 East Hartford Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

View the map



Vemma Store North

8322 East Hartford Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
View the map
Store Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 am to 6 pm

Vemma Store South

1920 East Broadway 
Tempe, AZ 85282 
View the map
Store Hours: Monday through Friday - 8 am to 6 pm



US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand

Member Services: Monday - Friday, 7 am - 6 pm (Arizona Time)
US/Canada Phone: 1-800-577-0777
US/Canada Fax: 1-888-314-9827
Other Markets, including Aus/NZ: 1-480-927-8933
Other Markets Fax, including Aus/NZ: 1-480-927-8939




Tuesday - Saturday, 6 am - 3 pm (Japan Time)
Phone: 0120-977-256
Toll Free Fax: 0800-123-2525




Vemma Caribbean 
Paradera 151-C, Suite #1
Paradera, ARUBA
Phone: 297-583-8588
Fax: 297-588-5973
Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 am - 5 pm



European Markets

Vemma Europe 
Vemma Europe Limited
The Harbour
Co. Kildare
Company Number 423877
Phone: 00 353 (0) 1 685 2455
Fax: 00 353 (0) 1 651 9596

United Kingdom+44 2030518587 
(Monday - Friday, 9 am - 4 pm) 

Netherlands: +31 208903849
(Monday - Friday, 9 am - 4 pm)

Belgium: +32 28080324
(Monday - Friday, 9 am - 4 pm)

Austria: +43 720880261
(Monday - Friday, 9 am - 4 pm)

Poland: +48 587421011
(Monday - Friday, 9 am - 4 pm)

Germany: +49 3089677804823
(Monday - Friday, 9 am  - 4 pm)

Turkey: +90 212 247 75 28 
(Monday - Friday, 9 am  - 6 pm)

Ukraine: +38 093 093 84 33
(Monday - Friday, 12 pm  - 4 pm)

Vemma Norway
Sofus Sørensens Vei 38B
1671 Krakerøy, Norge
Org. no: NO 990447209 MVA
Phone: +47 69 34 13 37

Vemma Croatia
Ilica 387
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Org. no: NO 990447209 MVA
Phone: + 385 1 3750 995 

Vemma Israel
3 Hadas Street
Ra'anana, Israel 43263

Vemma Turkey (TÜRKIYE)
Cumhuriyet Cd.Rüyam Apt. No:359
K:4 D:8 Harbiye 34373
Istanbul / TÜRKIYE
Phone: +90 0212 232 23 17
Fax: +90 0212 232 23 19
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 9 am - 6 pm

Vemma Nigeria
4th Floor
Poatson House
142, Oba Akran Road
Ikeja, Lagos.
Phone: +234-1-8705188 +234-1-7343044 

Vemma Ukraine
Krasnozavodskaja 4, 
03062 Kiev 
Phone: +38 093 093 84 33
Hours of Operation: (Monday - Friday, 12 pm - 4 pm)




Vemma India Nutrients Pvt. Ltd.
Hno 131, Sector 8,
Chandigarh 160009
Phone: Ph: 91-172-4678800, 91-172-3251984, Fax: 91-172-4678078
Customer Service Email:
Hours of Operation: Monday  - Saturday, 9:30 am - 5:30 pm



Asian Markets

Blk 1004 Toa Payoh North, #05-09 
Singapore 318995 
Phone: 65-63963789 
Fax: 65-63963787 
Monday - Friday, 10 am - 7 pm 

23-3, Block D, Jaya One, 
72-A Jalan University, 
46200 Petaling Jaya, 
Selangor, Malaysia 
Phone: (603) 7955 2222 
Fax: (603) 7956 2222 
Monday - Friday, 10 am - 7 pm, Saturday, 10 am  - 2 pm 

Menara BCA 50th.FI, 
Grand Indonesia, 
JI.M.H Thamrin no 1, 
Jakarta 10310, Indonesia 
Phone: +62 21 2358 4718 
Fax: +62 21 2358 4401 

5th Floor, No.36, Section3 
Bade Road, Songshan District 
Taipei City 105, Taiwan 
Phone: (886) 22570-0032 
Fax: (886) 22578-2925 
Monday,Wednesday,Thursday and Friday, 10 am  - 7 pm 
Tuesday, 10 am- 10 pm 

Unit 208, 2nd Floor, Strata 2000 Bldg.
F. Ortigas Jr. Road (formerly Emerald Ave.)
Ortigas Center,Pasig City, Philippines
Phone: 6382455, 6382456, 6382457, 6382458


All you have to do to save $2 per day to get health+your own business.


What are you waiting for?! Wanna to change your life? Come to join us to make your dream come true!


30-day "Empty Bottle" Money-Back Guarantee 

BK Boreyko(CEO and Founder of Vemma)

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Anything is possible if you just do it instead of just have dreams!

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